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5 reasons why it pays to invest in website tracking

Everyone should know the five reasons why it is worth investing in tracking the website. Why does it make sense, what do you need and which steps are necessary to get started?

1. receive basic information: Know what’s happening on the website

By using an analysis tool on the website, first insights into the usage can be gained. It is not absolutely necessary to pull out all registers at once.
This means that collecting the basic data will already cause many aha-experiences for you.
However, the basic prerequisite should then also be that these data are used for further analysis.

What can be answered?

An excerpt of questions that can be answered by website tracking.

  • How did the user come to my website?
  • Number of page views (page views)?
  • Is it a returning visitor or a new visitor?
  • How much time does a user spend on my site?

2. react in real time to trends and problems

It is often difficult to predict trends or user behaviour on your own website.
For new implementations or after a design change, the effects can be viewed in real time with the usual analysis tools such as Matomo or Google Analytics.
You can also immediately see the influence of social media publications or news on your site.
If necessary, the operator can then implement necessary optimizations immediately.

3. the performance of the website can be analysed

As mentioned before, trends and outbreaks, whether positive or negative, can be identified.
For example, load time reports provide information about the technical performance of your site. Nobody likes long loading times or a slow server. If everything is working at full speed but the user still looks at a white screen for what feels like an eternity before the page content is delivered, this can be found out.

Website reporting can also be used to optimise user satisfaction

4. website tracking can improve the usability of your homepage

With the right tracking measures you can get feedback in case of errors or get insight into problems that may occur on the website or at the user.

Some examples:

  • Error in JavaScript
  • The checkout process is not running smoothly, the purchase process is cancelled
  • The search results do not provide the desired results for the visitors
  • The navigation of your homepage is difficult to use or not arranged appropriately

An unsatisfied user closes the browser before he has completed his actual intention, e.g. filled out a form or completed the purchase.
Be alerted when action is required and check with automated reports whether errors have occurred.

If problems are encountered, the data collected can be used to resolve them.

5. get to know the digital customer better – define suitable personas

You have done market research and created personas.
You have gathered all your knowledge and examined already known data about your customers.
On the basis of this you plan online campaigns and want to place advertising on the Internet.

Find the right customer…

With the analysis of your website data there are possibilities to find out population static characteristics (also called demographics).
Use this option and add this information to your personas.
It makes it easier for you to select advertising options and determine possible target groups.

Now what are the first steps to do tracking on your own website?

In general, the first step is to use an analysis tool like Matomo or Google Analytics on your website. Afterwards, you immediately start collecting the data and soon after that you will be able to gain first insights with the analysis.
But which tool is right for you?
This depends entirely on the applicable conditions and the scope of use.
I can help you to find the right web analytics tool.
Talk to me.

Media-Engineer, Web Analytics & Vinyllover. Vater einer reizenden Tochter, fährt gerne Skateboard und praktiziert Yoga.

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